The main assumptions of Facial Expression Program in its original version.
Here are the main points:
1. There is a few (7 plus or minus 2) of basic emotions .
2. Each is genetically determined , universal and distinct.
3. The production and recognition of facial expressions are a distinct reporting system which is an evolutionary adaptation to some of the greatest problems of life.
4. Any emotional state of mind devoid of its signal face is not a basic emotion . Emotions base are: happiness, surprise, fear, anger, contempt, disgust and sadness.
5. All those emotions that are not included in the basic sub-categories or are mixtures of basic emotions. For example anxiety is a mixture of fear, sadness, anger, shame and interest (and should therefore result in a mixture of face).
6. voluntary facial expressions can be simulated spontaneous ones . Voluntary expressions are false and conditioned by culture. Different cultures exhibit different set of rules, which dictate when an expression can be expressed freely and when it should be inhibited, enhanced or masked with a different expression. The emotion "real" leaks out from the mask and may be revealed through facial measurements.
7. Any facial expression deviates from the universal signal is a mixture of signals or base, is the result of rules of production of a specific culture.
8. The state is revealed by the emotional facial measurement. Thus, the emotions of babies or people who are not able to speak frankly become accessible.
9. The subjective feelings associated with emotion are due, at least in part, to the proprioceptive feedback from facial movements.
10. The seven facial signals are easily recognized by all human beings irrespective of their culture .
11. The ability to recognize emotion in facial expression is innate rather than culturally determined. It appears early and is perhaps present at birth.
12. as encoding and decoding, the significance ("signal value") of a facial expression is fixed by nature and does not vary by changing the context in which it occurs. Observers can then recognize the emotion in facial expression of another person, even when the context and the behavior of the conflicting information. Observers may recognize the same emotion in the same facial expression regardless of the variety in the mode of presentation of facial expression.
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