Friday, April 2, 2010

Dwhite Dots On Throat

The dangers of post-Lie to me I

Lately, after the arrival of the series Lie to me , around is full of "lies unmasks-yourself" and this maybe it's the only "damage" caused by the show in question.
Seneca said " Lying is a thin screen, if you look carefully is transparent
In fact able to expose a lie is not easy , and "add to my modest opinion "that the biggest liars are also the most good lie-detector around! However today there is a disproportionate number of small Cal Lightman (the protagonist of the aforementioned TV series) and this is probably because you made an advertisement wrong non-verbal communication, but ... be careful! unmask the lies, in practice, it is very difficult! How difficult is to know the emotions of those starring ahead.
To analyze those emotions are not enough few have learned from TV, it takes years of studies and experiments in the psychology of communication.
The microexpressions are only part of nonverbal communication, one must take into account other aspects (body movements, posture, breathing rate, sweating, pallor, flushing, etc..) Aspects related to communication and para-. ( 20Paraverbale )
Myself I enjoy writing this blog only pure self-interest, seeking to enrich this space with news, articles and material to share with fans of the matter concerned, aware, therefore, not wanting to be with this web blog a reference point for experts, but only a meeting to discuss and exchange ideas about it.

What is true is that Professor P. Ekman really serves as a consultant for the United States' FBI, CIA and the State Police to teach detective techniques to detect "lies", but then as another blogger said of the matter, the U.S. is a country where the lie can cost you (maybe) the chair (see Clinton - Lewinsky) ... but in Italy, where it lies, (allow me the pun) is on a system, perhaps we could satisfy even the Cal Lightman television, or rather the factotum of the moment, that at most only apply to the pseudo theories about the TV-movie starlets of the moment, because at the moment, the only space dedicated to the television experts of the trade are those of the reality show. (See Francis Fant expert on body language, direct consultant to the "Pupa and the geek")


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