Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How To Make A Motorbike Jump

The 7 emotions base: 2 Surprise

There are two particularity of this emotion. E 'instant indefatigable has a very short duration, even one split second, the time it takes the brain to process this new information. Once you have produced the emotion will take over next depends on the reason for the surprise. For example, it can be with joy if you can learn to have won the lottery or fear when a car suddenly cut out the road.

Secondly, the surprise is not an emotion or positive or negative. It does not give neither joy nor excitement. As mentioned need to learn and process new information, will then the next emotion to be positive or negative. (Joy and Fear as in previous cases).

How does

emotion of surprise occurs on all three sides of the face. Forehead, eyes and mouth.

As you can see in the section on the forehead, the eyebrows are raised and form an upward curve. Often as a result of this movement formed horizontal lines across the forehead. The eyes are wide open, allowing the brain to acquire as many Data regarding this new information that creates surprise. No tension is created on the upper or lower eyelid. As a result of a surprise opens her mouth with a jaw movement down separating the dental arches.


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